

Special thanks to sisters Ally Schwartzhoff and Carly Christiansen for having the chapter over for a thanksgiving dinner! Not only did we get to stuff our faces with a homemade meal, but got to celebrate our thanks for having such a great sisterhood.

Congratulations to our new e-board: sisters Alyssa Hafferkamp (GH), Jodie Waller (GTB), Hilary Masterton (GKA), Sahar Ali (GNV), Julie Sargent (GM), Iggy Lopez (Personnel), Ally Schwartzoff (Recruitment) and Danielle Lamorgese (Panhel).

Cardinal Cabinet has a new position... Introducing the Spirit Chair!

The Spirit Chair is in charge of notifying the chapter when a sister has any sort of event on campus (sporting event, theatre performance, art show, anything!) that could use some Chi-O spirit. The sister with the most spirit is rewarded the "spirit stick" for that month. This position is a great way to get involved with sisters outside their lives in Beta Lambda and show some sisterly support.

Do you know a fellow family member or alum that would like to be on the CHI-O list serve? Send their email address to tbeltran@carthage.edu!